Monday, September 3, 2012

Hungary Team Report by Matt Taylor 7/22/2012

Matt spoke in front of our church a couple weeks after we got back.  Here is a link to the audio.  It's really good!  Check it out! 

Trine University newsletter

Trine University, where Matt and I first met and attended college, posted an article about our mission trip in their Thunder Bolt!   My walk with God really began there, at Trine, after a year or so of attending Christian Campus House...Matt's faith strengthened even more...and the rest was history!  We are very thankful for the opportunities the college provided us, the friendships we made, and the connection that remains after all these years.

In the article, Matt gives a brief summary of our amazing trip in Hungary.  The post below will show you even more.  Matt and I do plan to return to Hungary this winter to disciple many of the kids who did get saved, and put their faith in Jesus.  We are also sending each child a Christmas box ($40/box).  If you are interested in partnering with us in our personal mission and/or by giving a child in need a Christmas box, please send us a message and we will give you more information.  This way we can give you a personal 'Thanks' as well.  :)  Any dollar amount is so greatly appreciated!  We thank you for you prayers, as well!

Matt & Amanda Taylor

Any monetary gifts may be sent to:

Hope's Point
1703 S. Miller Avenue
Shelbyville, IN 46176
*Please write "Hungary - Matt & Amanda Taylor" or "Hungary - Christmas box" in the memo line and indicate whether you'd like a receipt for tax purposes.  All gifts are tax deductible.  Thank You!   

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dear Friends and Family,

We are back!  Matt and I had an amazing trip to Hungary!  After we got back to the States, we had to get over a bit of jet lag and really process all that we had been through while at camp.  We have gained so many fond and memorable experiences that we would love to share some of them with you here. 

Our team of 18 traveled to Balatonfenyevs, Hungary to help lead a summer camp for about 130 Hungarian orphans, ages 3 -18.  Many of the kids actually have parents still, but for various reasons they are unable to live at home.  For many, the orphanage “home” is truly a better place to stay.  We had 13 Hungarian interpreters to assist us throughout the week.  There were several other people from the States who came to help with the worship music, as well.  In the mornings and evenings we had a worship time filled with singing and a Biblical message.  We divided the kids by age in to small groups after the morning worship time.  After that, the kids were free to do crafts, play games, or go swim in the lake (which they did every day since it was so hot).  There were a few “surprises” that Csaba, the Hungarian camp director, planned for us.  One night everyone at camp took a catamaran cruise on Lake Balaton.  The scenery was beautiful, but this trip was also designed to give our team time to chat with the kids and get to know them better.  There were also bounce houses, a disco, a magic show, and my favorite – a fireworks show on our last night.  We had missed the 4th of July holiday while we were away, so that was a great ‘Thank You’ from the Hungarians.    

Matt and I got to personally connect with many of the kids at camp.  Some of the older kids knew a few English words and we knew a few Hungarian words.  With some help from the interpreters, we became close friends with a good group of kids.  The first few days we were all getting to know each other.  Then, we could tell the kids were opening up to the message of Christ and His love for us…and I’m sure they were also thinking of what’s going on in their own lives.  A 3 year old was dropped off at a home just 3 weeks prior to camp.  His mother’s boyfriend made her choose between her son and him….  Some kids had burn marks, some had scars…  A 14 year old girl was scheduled to have an abortion after camp.  The baby’s father was her father.  The pain and grimace you’re feeling after just reading that wasn’t what we saw on their faces though, not at first anyways.  These kids just wanted to be loved…have a good time for a few days, and make some friends.  But you would not believe how open and accepting they were to hearing the Gospel!  I wrote a little note once we got back from camp that said:

I had no a/c, soft TP, hot showers, outlet in our bathroom, ice, drinking fountain, money, internet, car, elevator, or snacks, and barely an understanding of the Hungarian language for one week...but I felt so much more fulfilled!  Maybe that’s why it took me 10-15 years to come to the Lord and a Hungarian orphan just two days.  They don’t carry all the distractions and excess baggage that we do.”                

The first child that got saved was on day 2, and about 52 more followed that week!  This is why we went to Hungary!  Brett Bartlett, the president of the Hungarian American Fellowship, told us he strongly believes the next great revival will come from Hungary / Central Europe.  Could this be just the beginning?  The very fact that the Hungarian government has let the HAF in to the country and allows people like us to share the Gospel is amazing and miraculous!  Only God can open doors like that, and create possibilities like these…changing lives for all eternity.     

So, what’s next?  Matt and I, as well as many other members of our team, have been able to keep in contact with several kids online.  A smaller team of us plan to go back to Hungary in December to disciple the older kids who got saved at camp.  It is very likely that Matt and I will be part of that team who goes.  The Hungarian American Fellowship is looking for many more churches to host a week of camp next summer.  Our church, Hope’s Point, is planning to send another team next year.  There are several new people who have heard our stories about camp and they want to join us!  Maybe you, or other members of your church, would like to go?    If so, we urge you visit to learn more about HAF.  Matt and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have as well. 

Our team, at Hope’s Point, is also raising funds to send the kids Christmas boxes this year.  If you are interested in providing a child in need a present this year ($40/box), or donating to the general Team Hungary fund for future mission trips you may do so, as well.

Hope’s Point Baptist Church
1703 S. Miller Ave.
Shelbyville, IN 46176

(In the memo line add “Hungary”)

We thank you again for all your prayers and support!

Friday, June 8, 2012

3 more weeks!

It's crunch time!  We have 3 weeks left and a lot to prepare for still!  Each member of the Team has been assigned certain roles while in Hungary, and we've seen more of an outline of what we'll be doing.  At night we'll hear a message (God and Creation / Adam and Sin / Abraham, Moses and the law / Jesus and the Cross / Paul and the Bible).  The morning after we'll break out in to small group sessions to talk about what we heard the night before.  Matt and I will help the younger kids during that time.  Between lunch and dinner, we'll have crafts (which I'm in charge of), activities (which Matt is in charge of), and games.  We have thought of some crafts and activities, but we need to firm those up asap so we can ask for supplies or buy them.  I just got done directing Vacation Bible School at our church, so that's my excuse for running behind.  : )  No, I really don't allow myself excuses actually.  The rest of the craft team and I really need to firm up our choices by tomorrow...I run a tight shift around here!  ha!  Tomorrow our Team is meeting again to learn more about Evangelism from our Pastor and a Hungarian family who lives nearby is going to come talk to us about their culture and things.  We're all excited!  I'm sure I'll be back soon with another update...stay tuned!

Fun finds online...
Hungarian Bible -
On Facebook - Magyar Marketing

“How will they know if they aren’t shown?” – Romans 10:14  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Our Concert and more updates!

I'm a stay at home mom, but I'm pretty sure I work 4 or 5 full time jobs.  Please forgive me, I'm playing catch up again... 

We had a concert at church a few weeks ago, and we raised about $1,000 dollars!  Woo hoo!  It was great to see so many new faces too - in the crowd, even in those who came to perform!  Love live music!

The Team met again at our house last week for some dinner, relaxation, and another quick meeting.  This time everyone was giving specific roles to focus on while at camp.  At camp, we will break up in to "Breakout Sessions."  Matt and I will work with the younger kids.  Other team members will have the older girls and boys.  Matt is also in charge of the games, and I'm in charge of the crafts.  We are to come up with a game plan by our next meeting on the 25th.  This is good, though.  Now, everyone can focus on a specific area and we'll grow from there.

Matt and I have just recently been given copies of the checks people have sent in and designated for us.  We are sending out Thank You cards, but still wanted to say how appreciative we are of those who have supported us and our team and the kids who are coming to camp!  It still amazes us how God uses others to continually give and bless this mission.  Thank you! 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hungarian Tracts

I was wondering if there are Hungarian tracts. So, I did a search online and found some resources. If most of the kids are hearing about God and a relationship with Him for the first time, these tracts may be more appropriate for after camp or whenever they are ready.
One site I found is the Fellowship Tract League. They have 2 Hungarian tracts. One looks ok for kids.
This is a neat tract for kids... 5 Things Every Kid Should Know. We just need it in the Hungarian language.
This is a neat one too! Cross Talk The kid-friendly tract opens up in the shape of a cross!
I'll keep digging!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New Happenings

There have been a few new "happenings" with our team in the last week or so. We have a table at church where we display yummy treats, quilts, and other crafts for people to buy to help raise funds for the kids who are coming to summer camp. Each week at least two people from our team will be at the table to answer questions or share more about our trip. The team also just had a t-shirt design-off. Several people from our group designed t-shirts that we can wear to and from Hungary. Two of the designs that were chosen will also be available to the general public (I believe).
Changing gears here... You know, when you go on a mission trip, you initially expect to change or help another in some great way. But if you've been on a mission trip before, (and this is not being prideful, this is realistic) you are the one who is often moved in some great way. Our team is going on this trip to help lead a summer camp and to ultimately let God's light shine amongst kids who may have never heard about Him before. I can't speak for others, but I feel like it's already begun! At the end of our last meeting, we shared personal prayer requests. And they were deep...they were honest...and they were so greatly needed. I think every single one of us yearns for a deeper relationship with Christ. In turn, that will create a more effective team and ministry, not only in Hungary, but at our home churches, in our families, in our every day lives! When I let go, and begin to let God I begin to heal and grow. I hope that is what the members of our team are feeling too. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us that "our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion waiting for someone to devour" and while he's doing that "he masquerades himself as an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14) so no one will recognize him. He's actively looking to destroy us...and we let him sometimes. It's time to stop! As children of God, ours is the only light of truth that will ever shine.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wyldewood Ministries

While on our trip to and from Florida Matt and I listened to an interview by Brett Bartlet of Wyldewood Baptist Church. He gave a great introductory summary of HAF's mission and camps. We thought it would be beneficial to everyone on our team and anyone else who wants a greater understanding of what's going on in Hungary! The Podcast is named - Show 2 : The Hungarian American Fellowship. (For some reason we could play it on Matt's fancy phone but my computer is having trouble playing it right now. Hopefully it works for you guys! It's really good, I promise!)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

More helpful links...

There are a few more sites I want to remember, and some other team members might find them helpful too...
Sometimes I find it hard to find time to read, but I can listen to the Bible in audio while I'm doing something else. I'm a multi-tasker, so it works. :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Meeting with Brett Bartlett

Last Sunday after church our team met with Brett Bartlett to learn a bit more about our trip and ask some questions. Brett serves as the president for HAF - and he's a really cool guy, we soon found out! Last year was the first year HAF hosted these camps. So, they learned a lot and are building upon those experiences, with just a few changes this year. Last year, the worship services weren't mandatory. This year they are, but we can't have a mass invitation. We can talk to kids individually if they choose to talk to us with a translator. Brett highly suggested breaking the ice with the Hungarian workers when we get there. The kids will warm up quickly, but the workers may have reservations about us. The Hungarian government and HAF have formed a very special, yet fragile relationship. If we do anything against their (gov.) will we could jeapordize everything. If there is a problem, we cannont discipline the kids in any way....we can't even say, "hey, don't do that," in passing. Someone at the meeting said that's going to be hard to adjust - just think of how many times we tell our kids, no, don't do that! in a day. We can't give the kids personal gifts - only to the orphanages as a whole. (The kids could actually get beat up if they take something back to the orphanage - heartbreaking, but true.) Brett told us that generally, the kids are warm hearted, helpful, and respectful. Watch out for the Gypsy/Roma pick pocketers, however. Sadly, many kids are forced to steal just to survive. The kids get $1.50 a day for food and everything else. Brett said the kids will be so happy just to eat the 3 meals a day that we'll get during camp. Based on last year's interactions, Brett said the kids may like crafts, makeup, temporary tattoos, 80's music / discos, glowsticks, soccer, ping-pong, the Rubix cube, even gambling, smoking, and drinking (drinking is not allowed this year). Brett said this isn't your typical church camp, but we will have opportunities to share with the kids. There will be some activities planned already, but our team can plan some crafts and games too. We will have to be flexible it sounds, but our team is there to help, most of all.
There may be 5 other people coming from another church in Ohio. A praise band from Boston College will join us too. One of the last notes I wrote down... the kids HATE being called "Orphans." .....Most of us grew up with a parent or two - we had a place to call home - we ate several meals a day - we had our own toys and clothes - someone was allowed to tell us about God. Humbling.... we pray we can be a light for them this week.

New HAF Video!

The Hungarian American Fellowship posted a new video on their website. It just makes us more anxious and exited to go! or

Monday, February 20, 2012

Playing Catch up!

I just looked at our blog and the last one was written almost a month ago - yikes! Yes, we've been a bit busy though. I have been really busy doing crafts on my "CNC machine for girls," as Matt calls it. Matt and I have sold several cards to friends, family, and coworkers. I had a couple Valentine card making parties. Matt's mom has made several quilts that she has sold too, to aid our fundraising effort. My dad's office also sent out 20 Valentine gift bags to their to top 20 referrals. The gift bags included magnetic heart-shaped puzzles which said "We Love Your Referrals" with the company's logo underneath. I put that in pillow boxes and tied them with a ribbon. Cute! The gift tag was the shape of a tooth (fitting for an orthodontists office) with the logo on the front and room inside for a breif message. It was a big project, but I had fun doing it and I hope everyone enjoyed their gift!
We had Spa Day at MOPS last Friday. Their where about 10 women who displayed their small business products. Along with the handmade quilts, I showed various product examples that I can recreate using my fun new toy. I wrote down a handful of potential leads and I'll have to get back to them as soon as I can. It's always neat to see what people are drawn too, so I know what to focus on. I had cards, paper artwork on canvas, temporary tattoos, magnets, beaded bookmarks. Now, I just need time to brainstorm and create some great new products, and set up a website, or blog. Lots to do in so little time, but all things are possible with God, eh? :)
We are finally about to send out our letter telling friends and family about our mission trip. My family is spread out all over the country, and we have several friends out of state too. So, it'll be nice to update everyone on our new adventure. If people are able to help out financially, great! But most of all, we (and our entire team) could use prayers throughout this entire process!
Next week, our team will meet with one of the leaders of the Hungarian American Fellowship after church. We are supposed to ask him questions about the trip. Last year, I directed VBS here at the church. (talking to myself here) Now, try to do that without seeing what I have to work with. hmmm... Well, I'll have lots of questions ready for him! I'm sure we'll be fine. There's a large group going, so we should have all our bases covered.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Resurrection Sunday Dance

I was looking for videos online to learn more about Hungary and I found this. It's not soley about Hungary, but it takes place there and it's really cool. It's a dance they organized last year, and more countries are planning to do it this Easter too!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Valentine Card Making Parties Scheduled!

I got a very special Christmas present, which can make SO many types of really neat crafts. Well, it's come in handy lately because I have been able to make several Valentine cards, which I'm actually trying to sell (for $4 each) and different events as a fundraiser for our trip! I am going to host 2 Valentine Card Making Parties - one in SE Indy Jan. 26 and one in Shelbyville Feb. 2. We will make 4 cards for $15, and I'm sure I'll throw in an extra treat!
I've come up with really cute personalized baby cards and event Super Bowl Invitations too! I'm in the process of finding the best way to put these online and sell them, online and/or in person. I'll get there soon!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Got My Passport!

My new passport arrived in the mail today! It came much sooner than I was expecting, but I'm glad it's here! Just a little tidbit...this passport looks really different from my last one, but in a good way. It has a lot of different pictures depicting true (maybe even olden) American culture and various quotes from people in years past - it's really neat actually!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Eve! and 'A Taylor Craft'

We had several people over for New Year's Eve, and I didn't have to plan a THING since my husband did all the work! That felt really nice, and stress free. The problem was, so many people that came are going on the Hungarian mission trip too and I just wanted to have a big pow-wow meeting and discuss things about the trip (since we haven't officially done that yet, but we will next week...I think). But I managed to contain myself and play some games, eat too much food, and stay up WAY too late! We all had a lot of fun though.
Oh! Just remembered...I've started "A Taylor Craft" too! I've dabbled in various crafts over the years. So, I thought this is a great time and we have a great purpose to get the ball rolling! 100% of the profits made from the jewelry and various paper crafts will go towards our mission trip. The biggest motivation is to raise money for the Hungarian orphans so they can come to camp! I've started A Taylor Craft Facebook page, and I may start another free webpage, but it's still in the works. So, keep a look out! It's coming soon!